All are welcome to All Saints Church, Belton
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All Saints
A Special Emblem for Nov 11th 2018
Congratulations to all who made it possible

New Youth Worker joins All Saints
Rev. Rosie Bunn with Bruce the new Youth Worker and past Youth Worker Jean December 2016


Activities at our Church — Weekly Update
Church Pantry Supporting families in need in Belton, Browston & Burgh Castle. The items we require are: canned meat & tuna breakfast cereals tea, coffee; squash, biscuits, rice & pasta toiletries, tooth brushes; toothpaste, washing; cleaning products, etc.For more information speak to Marion Chilvers or Tracey Moore | Text to Heaven 07908522700 Text your prayer request to Terry Prayer is vital for our life as a church, as well as in our individual lives. Why not join our Prayer Group meeting every Wednesday. Even if you can only make it once a month, do join in. For further info: Marion Chilvers |
Scroll down for all youth activities
The chart below shows the great variety of activities at All Saints Church, Belton.
If you would like to get involved then contact Rev Rosie Bunn
Sunday morning services: 10.30am. Lively, contemporary worship for all the family. Stay around for a cup of tea and biscuits after the service!

Youth and Children’s Activities:
Messy Church: Families with primary school age children are welcome to join us to share a meal, then take part in fun (and often messy!) games and activities to learn more about the Bible. Held on the first Wednesday in the month, from 6-7.30pm, at Moorlands School.
Service Information and Church Activities
Sunday morning services: 10.30am. Lively, contemporary worship for all the family. Stay around for a cup of tea and biscuits after the service!
2nd Sunday in the month: 6.30pm: Evening celebration. More worship, a talk, and some prayer ministry. (And more tea/cake after the service)
Cafe Church: usually 3rd Sunday in the month, but check calendar for details. Join us for a late breakfast at 10.30am, including tea/coffee, toast, croissants, etc.There are various activities to take part in, Sunday newspapers to read, a time of worship and a short talk. Everybody welcome!
Rock Solid: KS2 children’s group at the Rectory Stables. 5-6pm. Join us for fun, friendship and to hear a story/talk from the Bible! Free entrance, but there is a penny sweet tuckshop!
Youth Group: High School age discipleship group. We meet on Thursdays during termtime at the church, from 7.30pm-9pm.
Youth Band: Our high school age musicians get together to worship, and practice songs they can then lead the congregation in during Sunday services. The young people lead an entire service a couple of times a term – check Calendar for details!
The Hub: High school age youth club. Fridays during term time at the church, drop in from 7.30-9pm. We have a pool table, great sound system, games consoles, board games, comfy sofas and a tuck shop selling sweets and soft drinks (cheaper than Tesco!) Entrance normally 50p, but first time is free.

Rosie’s Parachute Jump
Rosie’s Parachute Jump at Ellough on Friday 17th August was a great success
Although wind gusts delayed the jump until 11am the brave lady had a great jump in ideal conditions.
Her comment on landing was ” Can I do it again!”
All who went to Ellough to support her had a great morning out.
It is still not too late to sponsor her. Pictures below
Due to the high wind speeds on Saturday 23rd June, Rosie’s
parachute jump at Ellough airfield near Beccles had to be
postponed. It is hoped to do the jump as soon as possible weather
permitting. Watch this space for the date and come along
to Ellough and support her and see what happens.
The jump will take place at 13000 feet with a free fall before
the chute opens and she will glide down with her instructor
to the airfield. The photographs tell their story.

On Monday 4th June there were two great events at the Rectory to celebrate the Jubilee. The afternoon tea party and the evening hog roast and entertainment. We are sure all who attended had a good time as can be seen below.