Children Raise funds for British Heart Foundation 5th Feb 2016
Bishop Alan visit to Moorlands School
Belton’s Moorlands Primary Academy had a visit from the Bishop of Thetford, The Rt. Revd. Alan Winton on Thursday February 5th. He was introduced by the acting headmaster Kevin Lee and the Rev. Rosie Bunn and spoke to the whole school at a special assembly talking on the subject of “Trees”. After the service representatives from all classes and visitors went first to the school field where Bishop Alan planted a tree in recognition of his visit before the group moved on to the churchyard where the pupils planted a second tree, this time assisted by the Bishop. The idea of planting two trees was to signify the link between church and school. The event closed with Bishop Alan saying a brief prayer before the guests adjourned to the school staff room for refreshments and an informal talk.
Mr Lee said “We were both honoured and delighted to welcome the Bishop. The relationship between the church and school is a very special one and we felt that the planting of two trees would symbolise this. Both the children and staff really enjoyed the occasion.”
Bishop Alan then went on to his second appointment with the Rector to visit Burgh Castle Church and see the current restoration work.
The Hall is available for hire on Wednesday evenings between 6.30 and 7.30 pm. At the moment it is used as below.
Zumba on Mondays and Karate on Tuesdays. Please call the school on 01493 780007 for further information